How to travel to Hawaii with the new COVID test program in place

How to travel to Hawaii with the new COVID test program in place We recently had some personal experience with returning to Hawaii after taking a COVID test and wanted to share our recommendations. Step 1: Look at Hawaii’s trusted partners for a COVID test This really is the first step because without this [...] read more

Island of Hawaii Volcano Update: May 7, 2018

ISLAND OF HAWAII VOLCANO UPDATE May 7, 2018 WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW There is absolutely no reason at this time for travelers to change or alter their leisure or business plans. All of the Hawaiian Islands are unaffected by Kilauea volcano except a remote area on the island of Hawaii’s east side. Out of the [...] read more

United Airlines Final Boeing 747 Flight SFO HNL – #UA747Farewell

Out with the old, in with the new… United Airlines is saying goodbye to its 747 “Queen of the Sky” Jumbo Jet fleet by recreating the journey of the First United 747 Flight from 1970 from San Francisco to Honolulu. Find out how the plane got its signature hump: Unfortunately, the flight sold out within [...] read more

On October 16th, 2017, posted in: Hawaii flights, Hawaii Travel, Hawaii Urlaub, Uncategorized by K

Die Reimanns auf der Big Island Tour in Hawaii

Aloha! Wir hatten das grosse Vergnuegen, die Reimanns (“Deutschlands beruehmteste Auswanderer”) auf unserer Big Island Tour willkommen zu heissen. Unsere Inseltouren werden taeglich angeboten und wer interesse auf eine deutschsprachige Tour hat, soll sich bitte direkt bei uns per Email oder Telefon melden. Neben den Big Island Touren bieten wir auch Inseltouren auf Oahu an. [...] read more